Donna Would LOVE To Give a Concert or Retreat at Your Parish, Conference or Event!
(Scroll down for current dates)
Let us know that you are interested and what type of concert you might be interested in, even if you are not finalized in your plans. We can answer any questions you might have and suggest available dates. We provide posters, programs, tickets, typeset ads and help in promoting the event. See the list of concert themes here.
Donna uses selections from her albums to share a love for the Bible, the Church and Her teachings, the importance of prayer, and God's love for us. Her Music includes word for word prayers from the Bible and well known prayers from the Church and the saints (with the stories behind them). Scenes from the Bible come alive when sung, and you will have Scripture memorized by the time she is done! Also, seen on T.V. and heard on Catholic radio stations throughout the country and worldwide, Donna sings and talks about the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, devotion to Our Lady, union with the Lord, and how to pray, using Scripture as reference (apologetics, if you will). She offers Lenten, Christmas, and Marian programs as well as a Women's Retreat called "Keeping a Mary Spirit Throughout a Martha Day."
Often, at a conference, Donna is asked to sing the Chaplet, speak on Divine Mercy, provide Music between speakers or mini-concerts, songs and reflections during adoration, and/or sing Rosary before Mass or at some point in the day. Our Lady's Musical Rosary is a 43-minute completely sung Rosary (5 Decades) with meditations. The melodies are very easy to sing, and everyone is singing by the middle of the first decade. The Spirit of prayer is so powerful that you can feel it storming Heaven and moving Our Lord and Our Lady's Hearts!
For parishes, Donna can sing two songs at all the masses to inspire listeners to come to the concert that Sunday evening.
Donna Cori is a member of the Catholic Speakers Organization,
(click here to see Previous Concerts)
NOW BOOKING FOR Lent 2025 - PLEASE email me (see below) for more info.
2025 - so far
Mar. 6, Thurs. 7:00 pm Our Catholic Faith concert, St. Mary Catholic Church, 421 3rd St. Glasgow, MO 65254, info: 660-338-2053
Mar. 7, Fri. 7:00 pm "The Way of the Cross in Song and Video" St. Mary Catholic Church, 421 3rd St. Glasgow, MO 65254, info: 660-338-2053
Mar. 15, Sat. Women's Conference "Keeping a Mary Spirit Throughout a Martha Day" Our Lady Queen of the Apostles, 100 Crestwood Blvd. S, Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411, 561-798-5661
Mar. 30, Sun. 2:00 pm The Way of the Cross in Song and Video, St. Anthony of Padua Church, 2223 St. Anthony Rd, Quincy, IL 62305, info: 217-222-5996
Apr. 5, Sat. 7:00 pm State of Illinois Catholic Daughters of the Americas Convention "Keeping a Mary Spirit Throughout a Martha Day" 1903 E. Lake Shore Dr., Springfield, IL 62712-5514, info: 217-529-2213
For booking inquiries contact Donna at: Golden Arrow Catholic Music and Media
6209 Mid Rivers Mall Dr., #218, St. Peters, MO 63304
(314) 682-9692 or email:

Watch VIDEO TESTIMONIALS of concerts
A Catholic singer and songwriter, Donna's Music is focused on prayer (all kinds) and explaining the truths of the Catholic Church with Scripture. Songs include word-for-word prayers from the Bible (as singing makes for easy memorization) and well-known prayers of the Church and Saints.
Her powerful voice, her range, her emotion, and the awe-inspiring way in which she compels us to pray with her in her songs will certainly move you. But don't take our word for it -- here's what others have said:
"I find Donna's Music to be prayerfully deep and inspiring. Simply and uncomplicatedly Catholic. Her message is soaked in Scripture. When I listen to her Music, I hear the same thing that I discovered and which I try to share in my teaching -- the beauty and power of the Catholic faith! God has really gifted Donna with a powerful voice and a pure heart!" - Dr. Scott Hahn, Professor of Theology, Franciscan University at Steubenville, OH
"I never before believed one could actually compose a melody for our common prayers that does the prayers justice. And considering the value and holiness of those prayers, I think most people avoid the attempt. But, WOW, this person achieved it." - Daniel W. (via iTunes)
"What a gift you are to the Catholic community in the Pacific NW! ...We count our blessings twice when we find gifted people like you in our area to help form our parishioners'' faith and help spread the Good News in creative ways." - Cathy Pinick, DRE St. Columban's, Yelm, WA
"I don't know of one of (Donna's) songs that I don't like. Her Music really touches me, and to hear her sing just makes me want to worship the Lord." - Jeff Cavins, EWTN's "Life on the Rock."
"Anyone who listens to her inspiring Music can tell that it all comes from her loving heart for our Lord. Her Music is a great inspiration to me as I plan and contemplate my homilies. I find the Spirit of God present in her music ministry ." - Deacon Larry Jesmer - St. Hubert parish, Langley, WA
"I thought your work was wonderful before; it is fantastic now. But more than that, it sometimes brings me to tears to hear you and see the video work. All I can do is thank you and the Lord for giving you such incredible talent and devotion". Dr. J. C. Tausta, Oneonta, NY
"Now that it is Summer, we get our 8-year-old Granddaughter for overnight more with School out. So I have your C.D. playing every time we are in the car. She has learned so much from your prayers and Music. She sings along, and at bedtime, she sings her prayers cause it is two prayers instead of one. We have to say it is the most amazing gift to hear a Child sing prayers. And such a joy in our Hearts to hear her sing along with you. Thank you so much for sharing your gift and the good news of our Lord. Thank you." - K. Carl
"I was going to the auditorium to await the first speaker and subsequently discovered Donna on stage. I quickly found myself continuously encountering tears of joy with every song that she sang, a reaction which seems to be prompted whenever I'm in close proximity to a strong presence of the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, we bought our first Donna CD at that conference and have continued to buy them ever since." - B. Costa, NY
"Her music is a conductor that God uses to touch my soul." - C. Neisen
"Her voice, words, and background music are beautiful! So uplifting, her deep, sincere faith and love comes from the heart" - D. Peterson
" Her music is divinely inspired, and I'm in awe and so moved by her love for the Lord, there are no words to sufficiently tell you." - Donna M.H. via email
"I no longer have trouble remembering how (these prayers) go. You really added a gift of enthusiasm for prayer at the conference; and fortunately, it was contagious!" - Yvette, Lady's Island, SC
"Often, when I enter a room where people are praying, I sit down unmoved. When I entered a large room where Donna Cori Gibson was singing the Rosary, such was the reverence and faith that emanated that I dropped to my knees on the cement floor. Her reverence, faith, and humility were evident throughout the Rosary and had a profound effect on everyone. Since Shubert and Gounod, with the possible exception of "Gentle Woman," no one has succeeded better in setting the words of the "Hail Mary" to Music. Congregations will love it and learn it. May she be blessed continually that her graced humble Spirit may continue to preserve her as a servant of the Lord" - Father Heffernan, interview with Peter Borough, Ontario with "The Church Live" CKLY Radio
"Donna's voice is fantastic and haunting. Her Music can penetrate your Spirit, lift up your heart and heal your brokenness. She is truly inspired by Our Lady and the power of the Holy Spirit. Please listen to her!" - Father Michael B. Semana, Founder of the World of Hope Foundation
"Your music lifts the spirit to such heights, one has no choice but to contemplate God." - M. Williams, OR