Ask for Much! Your Prayer is Already Answered
He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him.
1 Chronicles 5:20
…You just might not see it yet, but your prayer is already answered.
God wants so much for us, but we limit Him.
Jesus told St. Faustina
**”_I rejoice that [souls] ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very much. On the other hand, I am sad when souls ask for little, when they narrow their hearts_”** (1578).
How big is your heart? Your heart is a conduit for God’s grace to flow to mankind. He is a BIG God and can give enormous blessings, but we need to ASK in order for the floodgates to open. (“Ask and you shall receive” – remember?) God wants to work WITH us to transform the world. It’s SO easy if we remember to TRUST that God is that powerful and WILL do EVERYTHING you ask according to His Will and in the Name of His Son, Jesus. _(More on what it means to pray in Jesus’ Name in another email.)_
The heart is connected to the mind. We are only limited by how much we can even THINK of asking for, which, in turn, is limited by how much we LOVE. Instead of just praying for one person’s healing, pray for 10 or even a hundred or MORE! Instead of just praying for their healing, how about their salvation and the desire of their hearts and other needs of our town, etc. too. Then, we must remember that, like a healing, the answer to the prayer may take some time, _**BECAUSE WE LIVE IN TIME**_. It’s already DONE in God’s time. We just haven’t seen it yet.
He’s Working NOW
God **_” whose power NOW at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine.”_** (Eph 3:20)
“Now” – that’s God’s Word in the Bible, not mine. He’s doing it NOW and immeasurably! BEYOND our capacity to know! Do you believe it? We know broken bones don’t heal over night, but they D.O. heal…and we KNOW they will. If we had the same confidence when we ask God for Him to move on something, knowing that it’s ALREADY DONE, we could “move mountains” and without limit.
That’s why we need to **”_Pray without ceasing_”** (1Thess 5:17) with **”_all kinds of prayers and requests_.”** (1Tim 2:1) OPEN THE FLOODGATES! There is a lot of grace backed up that needs to rush out. The only thing stopping it is our limited faith and narrow hearts. How very tragic.
Oh, I LOVE this one, **_” Before they call, I will answer; WHILE THEY ARE YET SPEAKING, I will hearken to them._”** (Is 65:24) Talk about operating in the “now”, that’s the epitome. So… don’t stop speaking, asking, calling, knocking, seeking, praying… and believe!
The devil wants nothing more than to keep you distracted, because he KNOWS YOUR power. He doesn’t want you to pray, so pray all the more!!
October Feasts and Highlights – and a song for each
1 – St. Therese of the Child Jesus – her poem/song Only Today
2 – Guardian Angels – song Angel/The Guardian Angel Prayer
4 – St. Francis of Assisi – his prayer/song Most High and Glorious God
5 – St. Faustina Kowalska – prayer/song from her diary Jesus, You Are Mercy
7 – Our Lady of the Rosary – Sung Joyful Mysteries
15 – St. Teresa of Avila – her prayer/song Bookmark
16 – St. Margaret Mary – Sacred Heart, Hail, Most Merciful Heart of Jesus
22 – John Paul II – his prayer in the bridge of Come, Holy Spirit
NOVENAS This Month
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St. Teresa of Avila – Starts Oct 6 SIGN UP
Holy Souls – Starts Oct 24 SIGN UP
All these songs are on my prayer C.D.s and you can stream them on your favorite platform. Here are some links to them.
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God bless you,
Keep praying. Keep singing.
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